Friends of Wind Cave National Park will apply incoming revenues, unless specifically designated for other projects, to the improvement and preservation of the recently acquired Sanson Ranch addition and for the upgrading of exhibits at the park visitor center.
FOWC will be volunteering services for improving the recently acquired historic ranch land. This could entail clean up, removing or fixing fences, etc.
FOWC will promote participation in “citizen science” opportunities, such as assisting in park research activities or bird and animal counts and vegetative surveys.
FOWC will strive to encourage the involvement of youth in educational activities at the park.
FOWC will provide volunteer services for special park events.
FOWC will seek to help identify larger scale needs, as in visitor center interpretation upgrades and plan for means of fulfilling those needs.
FOWC will organize and execute fund raising events to fund all of these support activities, to better enable Wind Cave National Park to attain its mission of protecting and preserving these natural treasures for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.
FOWC will provide a voice in the public arena to underscore the value of Wind Cave National Park to the local community, the region, the nation and to future generations..