Friends Of Wind Cave NP

Keeping up the work helping the Park where help is needed.

This year the Friends is maintaining the 266 road into the historic Sanson Ranch and buffalo jump, funding a Lidar digital tour of the scenic tour area, funding survey gear for the cave exploration teams, and helping establish a hiking trail head and trail from Hwy 385 to the buffalo jump.

Giving all year long will help us to fund these projects and any others that may come along.  Giving Tuesday is a good time to make your tax deductible donations to the Friends.

 How can you help us get it done?

On November 29th, we are asking YOU, our loyal friends, to help us get it done!

Donate online here: Donate

Mail a check to:  Friends of Cave
PO Box 336
Hot Springs, SD 57747


Wind Cave National Park –  26611 U.S. Highway 385  –  Hot Springs, SD 57747  –   605-745-4600 phone   National Park Service   U.S. Department of the Interior